DJ Burns Jr. and the Magical Run to the Final Four

In the midst of roaring fans and flashing lights, one figure stands out not only for his physical presence but also for his radiant personality that lights up the court. DJ Burns Jr., a key player for North Carolina State, has become a symbol of joy and resilience as his team carves a historic path through the NCAA tournament. With each victory, Burns marks the occasion with a skip, a simple act that encapsulates the sheer bliss of success. Alongside two teammates, he donned a Final Four hat, a piece of the basketball net hanging like a badge of honor, after triumphing over Duke, showcasing the tangible results of their hard-fought journey.

A Magical Run

The Wolfpack's ascension to the Final Four as a double-digit seed has drawn comparisons to the storied 1983 championship team, celebrated for its miraculous run. This current squad, under the guidance of Coach Kevin Keatts, has strung together nine consecutive elimination game victories, mirroring the legend of their predecessors. Their journey includes an extraordinary feat of winning five games in just as many days during the ACC tournament. Keatts praises his team's unshakeable belief in themselves, a belief that propelled them past high-seeded adversaries like Marquette and Duke to earn their spot among the final four, proving that in the grand stage of the NCAA tournament, the seeding numbers fade into oblivity against the backdrop of sheer determination and talent.

The Center of Attention

At 6-foot-9 and topping 275 pounds, DJ Burns is an imposing figure on the court. His significance, however, extends beyond his physical attributes. Burns' gameplay opens up opportunities for his teammates, drawing attention and creating spaces for them to excel. Coach Keatts lauds him for possessing a personality that melds seamlessly with everyone, becoming a linchpin for team chemistry and harmony. The team's collective achievements have woven a strong thread of unity through the community and alumni, reigniting a spirit of camaraderie and pride.

The Spotlight Intensifies

The feat of both N.C. State's men's and women's basketball teams reaching the Final Four has put an unprecedented spotlight on the university's athletic program. Burns acknowledges the heightened public recognition and the accompanying pressure, but chooses to see it as a testament to the hard work and dedication of both teams. His gratitude towards the fans’ unwavering support reflects the humility and appreciation that have become hallmarks of his character. With the increased scrutiny, the challenge for Burns and his teammates is to maintain focus, leveraging the enthusiasm and energy from their supporters to fuel their drive for victory.


In discussing his buoyant demeanor, Burns credits his upbringing, saying, "I was raised in a happy environment. I try to take that with me everywhere I go." This positive outlook has undoubtedly contributed to the team's resilience and ability to face challenges head-on. Coach Keatts, reflecting on the team’s unprecedented run, remarked, "They never lost trust in who they are, and they've put together one of the most magical runs in the history of basketball." Echoing this sentiment, a teammate highlighted Burns' pivotal role: "When DJ gets going, it makes it easier for us guards on the perimeter. He draws so much attention. All we can do is stay ready: stay ready to shoot, stay ready to make a play." Burns himself, amidst the whirlwind of attention, humbly said, "It's been kind of crazy. If you're supporting us, thank you."

The road to the Final Four has been anything but easy for N.C. State, yet in every challenge, DJ Burns Jr. and his team have found a way to triumph, buoyed by an indomitable spirit and a bond that transcends the hardwood. As they prepare to face the next challenge, the Wolfpack carries with them not just the hopes of their fans, but a belief in the magical, a belief that anything is indeed possible.